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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2nd Ex-co Meeting of St.John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2012-13

Dear Johnian

Warm Greetings!

The Second Executive Committee meeting of the newly elected committee, will be held on Saturday 25th August 2012 at 7.00 pm at the Holy Trinity Church Parish Hall, St. Lawrence Road, Wellawatte.

2nd Ex-co Meeting of St.John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2012-13

Date        :               Saturday, 25th August 2012

Venue    :               Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
                                21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
                             (The road opposite  Royal Bakery)

Time       :               06:45 pm    Assemblage
                                07:00 pm    Meeting commences
                                08:30 pm    Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts       :              Mr S Janarthanan, Mr M Kiritharan and Mr D R Ariyaratnam

Ex- Co Agenda

1.       President convenes the meeting / calls for opening prayer
2.       Excuses
3.       Adoption of the minutes of the 1st Ex. Co. held on July 28, 2012
4.       106th AGM – proposed corrections to it.
5.       Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence
6.       Promotions / achievements / matrimonial news
7.       Principal’s letter (circulated by email) about request for vice-principals’ quarters
8.       Scholarship – performance review (last performance of the 10 students were email circulated) and projection of our continuation / commitment
9.       Principal’s prize giving report (this was email circulated)
10.    Teachers’ day program: Date / Tickets (Mr. Anushangan’s mail to the sub-committee)
11.    Suggestions for guest speakers in our meetings.
12.    AGM expenses summary
13.    Treasurer’s update
14.    Any other business
15.    Vote of Thanks  
16.    College Song

S K Xavier
(Honorary Secretary)